This article covers how to process Cashet PCard envelopes once they have been imported to ProBooks.
1) Ensure the PCard account descriptions have been updated in the Chart of Accounts
2) Create a vendor record for each PCard holder. PCard enabled should be checked and a PCard account assigned to the vendor.
Known Issue: PCard vendors also need to be enabled for Petty Cash to process PCard transactions.
3) From the Left Panel, navigate to Petty Cash > View All P/Cs
4) Cashet Envelopes will display as Drafts. Click the card envelope number, in blue to view the envelope.
5) Review the contents of the import. Ensure the Period is set to the desired year, Current or Next. Click Save, to move the status to Open.
6) Saving a balanced transaction will create an Open item. Click Audit to generate the Audit report. Click Post to commit the transaction to the ledger.
ProTips: Please note the Files button will become available to allow for attachments. Once posted, you can Enable Distribution Changes or Void the PCard Envelope.