How to track "envelopes" of monies spent by crew on production expendable, advances of petty cash and replenishment petty cash float.
1) Ensure the petty cash account descriptions have been updated in the Chart of Accounts
2) Create a vendor record for each PC holder. Petty cash enabled should be checked and a Petty cash account assigned to the vendor.
3) From the Left Panel, navigate to Quick Add > Add Petty Cash Envelope
4) Enter the PC Vendor, Envelope Number, and Envelope Amount. If you would like to replenish the PC Float, input the balance of the envelope in Advanced Amount.
5) Enter the Distribution Lines for the PC Envelope. Type in the Account Number and Description of purchases made.
ProTips: Location, Series and Set are optional fields that can be used to separate costs. Use 3rd to associate a vendor to a line item (ex. an Amex or Cashet envelope has lines of distribution associated to 3rd Party vendors like Fedex or Target). The trash icon on the left is used to delete unwanted lines of distribution you’ve entered. If your envelope is larger than 20 lines, click Add line to add additional lines for entry. Paste Values button can be used to copy/paste a large transaction from Excel.
6) Click "Save" on top right or "Save & Add New" to add another transaction. If the transaction is not balanced, you will have the option to Save as a Draft and complete it later.
7) Saving a balanced transaction will create an Open item. Click "Audit" to generate the Audit report. Click "Post" to commit the transaction to the ledger.
ProTips: Please note the Files button will become available to allow for attachment of receipts. Other Actions will provide the options to Delete or Duplicate the unposted transaction. Once posted, you can Enable Distribution Changes or Void the PC Envelope.
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