Note: to watch a video on importing PC Envelope sheets, please scroll to the bottom of this article.
You may send your crew members a blank PC Envelope sheet, and then import them back into TrueBudget. To learn how to export a PC Envelope sheet for sending to your crew, click here.
Once your crew members have filled out their PC Envelope sheets, follow these steps for importing them back into TrueBudget. There are actually two ways to do this: you can import a single file onto a specific PC Envelope sheet, or you can import multiple files at the same time.
Import a File onto a Specific PC Envelope sheet
1) From the Petty Cash Log, open the specific envelope you wish to import into.
Select the cell with the envelope number, and then click the 'Open Envelope' button.
2) From the PC Envelope sheet, click the 'Import PC Envelope' button.
Then select the file you wish to import.
3) The data from the file should then appear on the sheet.
When you are ready to send the data to the log, press the 'Send to Log' button.
Import Multiple Files Simultaneously
1) From the Petty Cash Log, click the ‘Import / Export’ button at the top of the sheet, and then select ‘Import PC Envelope sheets’ from the drop-down menu.
You will then be asked to select the files. You may import up to 5 PC Envelope sheets at the same time.
2) On the menu, select which envelope number you wish to import each envelope into.
Use the drop-down menus next to each file name to select the Envelope number.
If you’d like the data from each envelope to automatically appear on the log after the import, check the box at the bottom of the window. (If you don’t check this, the envelope sheets will all be open once the import is complete, and you must press the ‘Send To Log’ button on each one in order for the data to appear on the log.)
Tutorial Video
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