Make sure you are on the Purchase Order Log, and then follow these steps:
1. Highlight a cell on each row related to a credit card transaction.
The easiest way to do this is to make sure the values in the ‘Pay ID’ column for your credit card transactions all start with the same characters (such as “CC”). Then sort by the ‘Pay ID’ column. (Click the ‘Pay ID’ header to sort by that column.) Then select each cell in the ‘Pay ID’ column that are for your credit card transactions.
2. Click the Export button at the top of the sheet.
3. Press the ‘Export PO Log’ button.
4. In the drop-down menu next to ‘Select the type of output’, select ‘Export only the rows I’ve selected’.
5. Click OK.
6. Select where you want to save the file, and type in a name.
The 'Save' window may have a file name already listed, but you may change it if you wish.
That's it! You should now have a separate Excel file on your computer that looks like the Purchase Order Log, but with only the rows related to your credit card transactions.
Questions? Need more help?
Please email support at or call 800-985-9238 M-F 6am-6pm (PST). If it's outside our business hours, we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Please email support at or call 800-985-9238 M-F 6am-6pm (PST). If it's outside our business hours, we will get back to you as soon as we can.