TrueBudget has two versions of the Petty Cash Log, but you may only use one of them at a time. The default version is called the ‘Grid’ version. However, you can change to the 'Linear' version on the ‘General’ tab of the main Options menu. This article will explain how to use the 'Linear' version. Click here to learn how to use the 'Grid' version.
You can use this log in three different ways:
1) You can list every receipt from each envelope.
2) You can list the total of each Line Number from each envelope.
3) You can create Petty Cash Envelope cover sheets directly within TrueBudget and have that data automatically appear on the log.
Inputting Data on the Log
This log has the following columns:
Line – this is where you input the Line Number. In addition to the Line Numbers found on the detail budget pages, you may also choose to actualize to Lines 19-23 and 27 of the Cost Summary sheet. To do so, input “CS”, followed by the Line Number. For instance, if you want to actualize to Line 19, enter “CS19”. Please note that you must have this feature turned on in the main Options menu, on the ‘Actual’ tab. Refer to this article for more information.
Env # – this is where you indicate the Petty Cash Envelope number for the Line Number you’re entering.
Rec # – you would only use this column if you are inputting each receipt from an envelope directly onto the log. Otherwise, you can leave this column blank.
Name – this is for the name of the crew member who turned in the Petty Cash Envelope.
Payee – you would only use this column if you are inputting each receipt from an envelope directly onto the log. Otherwise, you can leave this column blank.
Amount – the dollar amount for the Line Number you’re entering.
Line Description – this column will be automatically filled in, based on what you input in the Line column.
You may sort the log by any of these columns except Rec #. To do so, click the cell with the header name you want to sort by.
This Petty Cash Log also has a Notes column, but it is hidden by default. To make it
visible, click the ‘Show Notes’ button at the top of the sheet.
Adding & Deleting Rows
If you need to add rows to the log, use the ‘Add Rows’ button at the top of the sheet. It
will ask you how many rows you’d like to add.
If you need to delete rows, first highlight a cell in all of the rows you wish to delete. (Note: the rows you choose must be consecutive.) Then press the ‘Delete Rows’ button.
Opening a PC Envelope cover sheet
If you’d like to use the built-in Petty Cash Envelope cover sheets, start by inputting a
number in the ‘Env #’ column. (The number must be between 1 - 30.) Then, with
that same cell selected, press the ‘Open Envelope’ button. Click here to learn how to use the Petty Cash Envelope.
Total PC from PO’s
On the Purchase Order Log, you may want to list the PO(s) assigned for Petty Cash.
When you do this, instead of putting a Line Number in the Line column on the Purchase Order Log, you can instead type ‘PC’. The total of any amounts on the Purchase Order Log with ‘PC’ in the Line column will appear in the ‘Total PC from PO’s’ cell on the Petty Cash Log. This cell can be found near the bottom of the log. This will help to show you how much cash you should have left over once you reconcile all of the Petty Cash Envelopes on your project.
Importing / Exporting
To learn about the features of the 'Import / Export' button, please see this article.
Click the ‘Options’ button at the top of the sheet to open the Petty Cash Log Options
Show row numbers
By default, TrueBudget displays the row numbers on the right side of the log. If you do not wish to see them, you may uncheck this box.
Lock the rows that are associated with a PC Envelope sheet
If you’ve created any PC Envelope sheets, the data from those Envelopes will
automatically appear on the log. You can ‘lock’ the rows associated with those
Envelopes, so that you don’t accidentally make changes to them. If you’d like to do that, check this box. Please note that if you choose not to check this box, you will be able to make changes to any row on the log, even those associated with Envelope sheets. However, any changes you make on the log will not be reflected on the Envelope sheets themselves.
Place a red dot at the end of rows associated with an PC Envelope sheet
If you’ve created any PC Envelope sheets, you can have the associated rows on the log appear with a red dot at the end of them. This way, it will be very easy for you to tell which Envelope sheets have been created and which have not.
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