Imagine a world without notes! How would anyone remember everything?
The Notes feature in ProCal helps to denote something on the calendar without having to create an actual event. Think of it as a sticky note on a physical calendar!
Add a Note to a Date
1) Click the plus icon in the top right corner, then click "Note" in the dropdown
2) Add your note details then click "Save"
You can type a Name
select a Date
and Default Day Part. This will determine the location of the note on the date (top, middle, or bottom of the day)
3) Rearrange as needed by dragging and dropping
A note appears as plain text without any banner or bubble type appearance that events have. The Note can be dragged or moved just like events.
4) Add extended notes, if needed
Right click on the Note to Edit and add extended notes in the...well, Notes section for your reference.
When you add notes to your Note, a sticky note will appear on the left side of the note on the calendar. Once you hover on the note, get a highlighted tool tip to render the additional note. This feature is available only inside the ProCal app.
Please note: Once the calendar is exported in a PDF format content, only the Name of the note will appear and not the additional reference notes.
Add a Note to an Event
You can provide additional notes for Events as well. Right click on the Event to Edit, scroll down to the Notes section and type the additional notes. Then click Save Event.
The Additional Notes will appear as a highlighted tool tip for that Event. Since you have added a note, the sticky note sign appears before the event title.
View all the Notes on the Calendar
Notes have a special section in the Explorer view on the right. It is rendered towards the bottom, right below Categories and Events.
Notes are important for the indication of important details. ProCal makes it easy to manage Notes.
Questions? Need more help?
Please email support at or call 800-985-9238 M-F 7am-6pm (PST). If it's outside our business hours, we will get back to you as soon as we can.