To enter regular times on your timecard, you'll enter the time worked, followed by "a" or "p" to indicate AM or PM. The timecard will automatically convert your times into military time. If you clocked in at 8:45 AM, you'll type in "8:45a" with the colon.
Working overnight, you'll add 24 hours to your overnight time. For example, if you were in at 5:45pm, type "5:45p" on the "time in" time, and if you were out at 2am, you'll type "26:00" including the colon and the 0's for your "Time Out" time.
Here are some overnight times for reference:
Out at midnight? -> 24:00
Out at 12:30 AM the next day? -> 24:30
Out at 1 AM the next day? -> 25:00
Out at 2 AM the next day? -> 26:00
Out at 2:15 AM the next day? -> 26:15
Out at 5 AM the next day? -> 29:00
Out at noon the next day? -> 36:00
In this example below, on Friday, the employee entered:
Time in: 5p
Meal 1 out: 10p
Meal 1 in: 10:30p
Time out: 26:00 (indicating she worked overnight until 2am)
Questions? Need more help?
Please email support at with your full name, the name of the project(s) you're working on, and a good email or phone number for us to reach you at or call 800-985-9238 M-F 6AM-6PM (PST). If it's outside our business hours, we will get back to you as soon as we can.