Approvers are now able to approve individual timecards one by one using the approve and next functions.
Employee approved timecards can be approved by the current approver using the “Approve” button.
Please note the “Approve” button is available only on employee approved timecards.
Union Allowance Calculation by Location Type
The start and timecard have been updated to support the option to calculate allowances by location type such as “Distant” only.
For union starts, by default allowances will calculate for all location types, but selecting units“By Day” will now allow the approver to define an allowance by the location type for all, studio, or distant.
The timecard allows the user to change the location type and only allowances with matching location types will calculate.
Batching Enhancements
The Batching functionality on batch-enabled projects has seen a number of enhancements to expand the functionality and improve workflow.
The batch definition has been updated. Batches are defined by the weekending, whether union or non-union, signatory and optionally department. Only timecards matching batch conditions can be added to the batch.
Adding new batches can be done at the dashboard and timecard levels and includes auto-naming for quick creation.
Assigning or changing timecard batches can be done at the individual timecard or across many timecards at the dashboard.
Submitting a batch is as easy as selecting an approved batch and clicking “Submit for Payroll Processing.”