It is always great to have more people collaborating on a project, given the right access!
You can have many people working on a ProCal and here’s a quick way to invite collaborators.
1) Click on the ‘Users’ menu on the blue navigator panel. Then Click on ‘Invite User’. You also get to see the list of users in your organization.
2) Fill in the Name, Email Address and assign the role for the user.
In ProCal there are THREE main roles you can distinguish users within an organization or a client/network. An ADMIN, a SUPER USER and a basic USER. Each one has distinguished access rights. Let us look at each one of the roles.
User: They have limited functional rights and need to seek Admin Approvals. They are limited to read or read and write access only. They cannot create or delete calendars.
Super User: They have more access when compared to User but limited access rights based on the calendar they manage. They can create their own calendars and invite collaborators but cannot delete any calendars.
Admin: Can invite new users, set permissions, edit calendars and manage the overall functions in ProCal.
4) Once the invitation is sent, the ‘User’ will be sent an email. A Status update in this regard, also appears upfront. You can refresh and resend the invite after 3 minutes, if in case the user has not received it or accidentally deleted it.
5) While you are waiting for the User to click on the invitation link sent via email, you can start assigning permissions to particular shows/calendars, for that user.
6) Setting Permissions is the next task.
By default, if you add any show to anyone’s permissions, they are just given ‘view’ or read only option. The ‘edit’ and ‘manage’ options on the right side of each calendar can be used to add new permissions. You can also ‘remove’ a user from the calendar (the icon before view). Please note that a manager of the calendar can add new people to the existing calendar that they have a level of access to.
Bonus tip: There is another quick way to add Users without having to navigate to the navigator panel and users section, explained above.
Go to the quick access grey panel on the right side of the screen and click on ‘Collaborators'.
Add New Collaborator by typing the Name or Email Address.
You will also see a list of Admin users in the organization displayed too.
The functionality upon sending the invite will be similar as seen in the longer form for the User, with respect to assigning the permissions (remove, view, edit and manage)
Go on and add as many users you want, and build the team of collaborators.
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