If you are having a problem with TrueBudget, you can review this article to see if the problem is a known issue.
ISSUE: You receive a message saying the cell or chart you are trying to change is on a protected sheet.
ANSWER: This is normal behavior for TrueBudget. All sheets are protected because there are formulas in certain cells that we do not want you to accidentally delete, and there are also hidden columns on some of the sheets that we want to remain hidden.
ISSUE: You receive an error that says "Excel cannot open the file 'TrueBudget-v2.0.xlsx' because the file format or file extension is not valid."
ANSWER: Some email systems and anti-virus software are changing the file extension of the file. Please make sure the file extension is '.xlsb' and it should open properly.
ISSUE: The sheet you are looking for is not listed among the tabs at the bottom of the Excel window.
ANSWER: This can be caused by two reasons.
1) You do not have macros enabled. You must enable macros in Excel to properly use TrueBudget. Refer to the help files for your version of Excel to learn how to enable macros.
2) Someone else has hidden the sheet(s) you are looking for. Click on the main Options button, and then click the 'Sheet' tab. You can then place a checkmark next to the sheet(s) that you wish to make visible. Click SAVE at the bottom right of the Options window, and all of the sheets you placed a checkmark next to should become visible.
ISSUE: The TrueBudget ribbon tab does not appear for you.
ANSWER: On Excel 2011 for Mac, it will never appear because this version of Excel does not allow for custom ribbon tabs. However, all of the buttons that appear on the ribbon tab also appear on the Menu page. On Excel 2016/2019/2021/365 for Mac, sometimes the ribbon tab does not appear when you first open TrueBudget. It does eventually appear, but can take a minute or two. We are unsure why this sometimes happens.
ISSUE: You receive the message “Compile error in hidden module” when clicking a button.
ANSWER: This means the file has become corrupted. The corruption is due to a bug in older versions of Excel for Mac 2016/2019/365, and will sometimes occur when the TrueBudget file is being saved by one of those older versions. We believe that Microsoft has since fixed this bug, but we are not sure in which update the fix was added. As of this writing, this problem does not appear to happen in v16.63, so we recommend you update your Excel to at least that version*. If your TrueBudget file is shared with other people, it is recommended that they also update their Excel to at least v16.63.
Once a file has become corrupted, it cannot be reversed. The best course of action is to import the corrupted file into a 'clean' TrueBudget file. (You can download a clean TrueBudget file from our website.) To watch our tutorial video about importing a TrueBudget file, click here.
*Note: If you have the retail version of Excel 2016 for Mac, the last update you will be able to download is v16.16.27. (Microsoft no longer supports Excel 2016, and this was the last update they issued for it.) We believe the bug is still present in this version, but cannot be certain. To be safe, you may want to upgrade to Excel 2019/2021/365.
ISSUE: When opening the file on Windows, you see a message within Excel that says "Microsoft has blocked macros from running because the source of this file is untrusted."
EXCEL VERSIONS AFFECTED: All versions for Windows
ANSWER: This can occur when someone emails you a TrueBudget file. Before you attempt to open the file, right-click on the file icon and select Properties. Near the bottom of the 'General' tab will be a checkbox labeled 'Unblock'. Check this box and press OK. You should now be able to use the file normally.
ISSUE: When attempting to create a PDF file in TrueBudget, you receive a Run-time 1004 error.
ANSWER: This is caused by pressing File -> Print (or Cmd-P) while in Excel. If you do this, Excel will cause this error when you try to create a PDF file in TrueBudget. The work-around for this is to close Excel completely, re-open your TrueBudget file, and try again.
ISSUE: You receive a message that says "This action won't work on multiple selections" when attempting to copy cells from your TrueBudget file to another Excel file.
EXCEL VERSIONS AFFECTED: Excel for Mac 2016; some versions of Excel for Mac 2019/2021/365
ANSWER: This is due to a bug in Excel for Mac. The bug has been fixed in Excel 2019/2021/365, but it may not be fixed in the particular version of Excel you are running. We have verified the problem does not happen in version 16.70. If you have an earlier version, we recommend updating your Excel to the most recent version by clicking Help>Check for Updates.
ISSUE: When you close TrueBudget, you are asked for a password.
ANSWER: You will need to click 'Cancel' multiple times until the prompt goes away. Unfortunately, there are various reasons why this can happen, so the exact cause can be hard to determine. If you use Dropbox, go into the Preferences and set the Dropbox Badge to "Never show". If that does not resolve it, try closing Dropbox altogether. The problem can also be caused by an Excel Add-in. Try disabling any Excel Add-ins you have installed. If you are still experiencing the issue after trying these options, feel free to contact us.
Questions? Need more help?
Please email support at support@revolutiones.com or call 800-985-9238 M-F 6am-6pm (PST). If it's outside our business hours, we will get back to you as soon as we can.