Note: to watch a tutorial video on using the PO Form, please scroll to the bottom of this article.
Once you’ve pressed the ‘Open PO’ button on the Purchase Order Log, you’ll be taken to the PO Form. The PO number should appear in red near the top right of the sheet. If you filled in any other information on the log for this PO (Payee, Date, Pay ID) it will also appear on the sheet.
TO – this area is where you should enter the details of the vendor that this PO is for. There are 4 cells in this area. Generally, they are for:
· Vendor Name
· Address
· City, State, Zip
· Phone Number
It is important that you put the Vendor Name in the first cell of this area, as this is what will be placed in the Payee column when it writes the data to the log. You can leave the other three cells blank if you don’t wish to enter the other information.
There are a couple of areas on the sheet that you can set to be automatically filled in each time a new PO is created. You would do this through the Options menu of this sheet. We'll discuss the Options menu a bit later in this article.
FROM – this area of this sheet will automatically be filled in with the Production Company information, which is taken from the Cost Summary sheet.
Job Name and Number – this information will also automatically be filled in, based on what you entered on the Cost Summary sheet.
COMMENTS OR SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS – if you have any particular information you want to pass along to your vendor, you can do so here.
DATE – if you entered a date on the log before you pressed the ‘Open PO’ button, it should appear here. If not, you may enter it.
SALESPERSON – this is where you can enter the name of the person at the vendor that you’ve been dealing with. (Note: you may change this heading to something else, via the Options menu.)
REQUESTED BY – most likely, you’ll want to put your name here. However, for the particular job you’re doing, you might want to list a Producer, Production Manager, or other member of the crew. (Note: this is one of the areas that can be automatically filled in via the Options menu.)
SHIPPED VIA – if you are having something shipped, you can list the shipping method here. (Note: you may change this heading to something else, via the Options menu.)
TAX ID # - this is where you’d list the Tax ID number for the vendor. (Note: you may change this heading to something else, via the Options menu.)
TERMS – this is where you can list the terms of payment. For instance, if you need to pay the vendor within 30 days, you could put ‘Net 30’. If you need to pay immediately, you could list “C.O.D.”. (Note: you may change this heading to something else, via the Options menu.)
Detail section
The detail section of the PO Form is where you input the various items you’ll be receiving from the vendor.
LINE – it is important that you enter a Line Number for each row that you use on the PO Form. TrueBudget uses this when writing the data on the Purchase Order Log.
QTY – enter the quantity of the items that you’re receiving from the vendor.
DESCRIPTION – enter a description of the item you’re receiving from the vendor.
UNIT PRICE – enter the price for each item you’re receiving from the vendor.
TOTAL – this will automatically calculate, based on what you put in the QTY and UNIT PRICE columns.
The PO Form has 9 rows in the detail section by default, but you can add up to 11 more, for a total of 20. Use the ‘Add Rows’ button to do that. If you wish to delete some rows, use the ‘Delete Rows’ button.
If you wish to change the default number of rows that will appear on a newly created PO, you can change that in the Options menu of this sheet.
Sales Tax
If you need to input sales tax on the PO Form, there are two different ways you can do that. Look for the checkbox to the right of the Sales Tax cell, just below the Detail section. If you want to input the sales tax manually (the default choice), check this box. If you want the PO Form to automatically calculate the sales tax, uncheck this box.
To input sales tax manually, input the amount in the Sales Tax cell, which is right below the Subtotal cell. Once you do, you will see a box labeled ‘LINE’ appear to the left of the Sales Tax cell. Since the sales tax is a separate amount from the other totals on the PO Form, you must indicate which Line Number you want the sales tax amount to be coded to.
If you choose to have the PO Form automatically calculate the sales tax for you, click the ‘Show Sales Tax’ button at the top of the sheet. This will reveal the Sales Tax column. For each row on the detail section, you must indicate the sales tax percentage. Once you do, the PO Form will calculate the sales tax and place the amount in the Sales Tax cell. In this case, you will not see the box labeled ‘LINE’ to the left of the Sales Tax cell. Instead, the sales tax amount will be coded to the same Line Number that you enter in the detail section of that row.
If you wish to use the Shipping cell (which is directly underneath the Sales Tax cell), you may do so. Once you type in an amount there, you will see a box labeled ‘LINE’ appear to the left of the Shipping cell. You must indicate which Line Number you want the shipping amount to be coded to.
Paid area
Near the top of the PO Form is a button labeled ‘Show Paid area’. If you click this, it will reveal an area where you can type in the Pay ID for the current PO. You would type the same thing here as you would in the Pay ID column of the Purchase Order Log. If you’ve already typed something in that column, it should appear here automatically.
Signature area
If you’d like to add a signature to your PO’s in order to show that they have been ‘approved’, you can do that. Check the box labeled ‘Show signature area’. This will reveal a button labeled ‘Insert Signature Image’ and a signature line. You’ll need an image of your signature, and it’s best if it has a transparent background. Place the image on the signature line, and then click the area labeled ‘Click here when you are finished’.
Contact Line
At the bottom of the PO Form is an area where you can enter your contact information. This way, your vendor will know how to get in touch with you. (Note: this is one of the areas that can be automatically filled in via the Options menu.)
Adding a Logo
Just like on the Cost Summary sheet, you may add a logo to the PO Form. To do so,
click the ‘Insert Logo’ button at the top of the sheet.
You will be prompted to select an image file on your computer. Once you do, you will be able to move and resize the image. To resize, click the image and then click-and-drag the circles on the corners of the image.
If you need more room vertically on the page for your logo, you can use the Logo Height Adjustment. In the box, you may enter a number between 1 - 50. You can experiment to find the correct amount of room for your needs.
When you are finished placing your logo, be sure to click the area marked “Click here
when you are finished with the logo”.
If you need to resize your logo or delete it, click the ‘Change Logo’ button.
Deleting a PO
If you wish to delete a PO, click the button labeled ‘Del’ at the top of the sheet. This will delete the PO itself, as well as any rows on the Purchase Order Log that contain that PO number.
Voiding a PO
If you need to void a PO, click the button labeled ‘VOID’ at the top of the sheet. Once the PO is voided, TrueBudget will no longer track any changes you make the to PO Form for that PO. Any existing lines on the Purchase Order Log with that PO number will be removed, and a new one will appear that says ‘** VOID **’ in the Payee column. If you wish to make a PO no longer voided, click the button labeled ‘Restore’ at the top of the sheet.
Saving the PO
Once you finish inputting the information onto the PO Form, you’ll need to save it in order for the data to be written to the Purchase Order Log. To do this, you have two options:
1) Click the button labeled ‘Save’ at the top of the sheet, or
2) Click one of the arrow buttons to the left of the ‘Del’ button
You will then see a window showing the save progress. Note: the more unique Line Numbers that are present on the PO Form, the longer it will take to save it.
Cancelling your changes
If you make changes to the PO Form but decide you don’t wish to save them, press the ‘Cancel’ button at the top of the sheet. Any changes you made will be lost, and the PO Form sheet will be closed.
The Options menu of this sheet has three tabs: General, Headers, and Pay ID Area.
General tab
If you’d like the PO Form to be closed whenever you click the ‘Save’ button, check this box.
When you save a PO, TrueBudget can check to make sure you’ve entered a Line Number in every place where you have a total amount. If you’d like it to do so, check this box.
Whenever you click on the ‘Open PO’ button on the PO Log, if there is nothing in the DATE column for that row, you can have TrueBudget automatically enter the current date on the new PO. This will be enabled by default, but you can uncheck the box if you don’t wish for it to enter the current date.
If you’d like the Description area of the PO Form to be filled in with the Line Description, based on the Line Number you enter, you can check this box.
You can change the number of detail rows that appear on new PO’s. The default number (and minimum) is 9, but you can set it to show as many as 20.
Automatic Fields
You can have the "Requested By" and "Contact message at the bottom" fields automatically filled in on all of your POs. If you’d like to do so, type them into the below areas.
If you’d like that information to appear on PO’s that you’ve already generated, check the box labeled ‘Enter this information on all pre-existing PO’s’.
Headings tab
There are four headings on the PO Form that you can change. To do so, type in what you’d like in the text box to the right of the one you’d like to change. If you want to return that heading to the default text, leave the text box empty.
Pay ID tab
Pay ID Header – by default, the text that will appear in the top cell of the ‘Paid area’ is “PAID”. However, you can change this if you wish. To do so, just type in what you’d like in the text box.
Outputting PO's – when you export the PO’s to a separate Excel file, you have a few different choices as far as when the Pay ID area will appear on each PO.
The choices are:
· Include Pay ID area only on PO's where I have selected it
· Include Pay ID area only on PO's that have a Pay ID value
· Include Pay ID area on all PO's
· Never include the Pay ID area on any PO's
Choose whichever best fits your needs.
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Tutorial Video