There are eight detail budget pages in TrueBudget:
Page 1A
Page 1B
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6
Page 7
Note: Page 7 is not visible by default. If you’d like to enable it, you may do so on the ‘General’ tab of the main Options menu.
Each sheet contains different ‘sections’ of the budget. For instance, Page 1A contains Section A, which is for Pre-Production & Wrap Labor. The Section Names on each sheet should give you a good idea of what each section is for.
If you'd like to change the names of a Section, you can enable that from the Cost Summary Options menu. You would then make those changes on the Cost Summary sheet.
Line Numbers
Each row of the budget has a ‘Line Number’ associated with it.
TrueBudget follows the budgeting template created by the AICP, and these Line
Numbers are a part of that template.
If you wish to change these Line Numbers, you can do so in the Options menu,
under the ‘General’ tab. Refer to this article for more information; scroll to "Allow me to change the line numbers on the budget pages".
The Three Areas
On each budget page, there are three areas:
Each of these can be made visible or hidden using the buttons in the top left of the sheet.
Note: if you have any Phases enabled, these buttons will be labeled with only the first letter (E, W, A), along with buttons for each Phase you have enabled (P1, P2, P3).
Column Headings
Some sections of the budget are for labor (your crew, talent, etc). The columns of those sections will have the following headers.
Other sections are not for labor, so their headers will look slightly different.
Enter values into these columns, and the total will appear in the column to the right, labeled by the area of the budget (Estimate, Working, etc).
Each area of the budget also has a detail section that is hidden by default. Press the 'Details' button above the area to reveal these additional columns. Refer to this article to learn more about them.
Questions? Need more help?
Please email support at or call 800-985-9238 M-F 6am-6pm (PST). If it's outside our business hours, we will get back to you as soon as we can.