PO, AP, PC, JE and PR modules allow the ability to copy/paste detail lines of distribution from Excel.
1) In Excel, ensure row one has the following descriptions in the applicable columns
A) Account*
B) Description*
C) Amount*
D) Series*
E) Location*
F) Set*
G) ff1
H) ff2
I) 3rd
*Fields marked with an asterisk above are required. All others are optional.
2) In Excel, select only the rows in the area of distribution that need to be copied, including the column headers then right click > Copy
In screenshot below, this would be rows 1 - 7, columns A - I.
Protip: Series, location, and set need to be populated with their default 000 code. The coding can be updated if you're using custom codes.
3) In ProBooks, Click the "Paste Values" button above the distribution area to the right.
4) This will open the copy/paste grid. Put your cursor in the first cell on row one. It should turn blue. Right click > Paste
5) Once the lines are copied, click Validate in top right.
6) You will need to fix any coding errors discovered by ProBooks before you can proceed.
7) Once coding is fixed, click Validate. If there's no errors, the Import will become available. Click "Import"
8) The lines of detail will then import into the distribution area of the ProBooks transaction
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Please email support at support@revolutiones.com or call 800-985-9238 M-F 7am-6pm (PST). If it's outside our business hours, we will get back to you as soon as we can.