If you are receiving paper checks, have complete start paperwork, and want to switch to direct deposit, please fill out your information here: https://www.revolutiones.com/form/ under "Sign up for Direct Deposit (If production company offers it)"
You don't need to upload a picture of a voided check this way, but please ensure your account and routing numbers are correct so your money gets sent to the right place!
Additionally, send an email over to payroll at payroll@revolutiones.com with your name, project name, and that you filled the DD form out so they can verify they have your correct information and ensure your next check will be direct-deposited. Please don’t skip emailing payroll or you may be mailed a paper check.
If you're completing your start paperwork for the first time, you can easily add your direct deposit in the module (make sure you have a picture of a voided check or direct deposit slip from your bank)
Questions? Need more help?
Please email support at support@revolutiones.com or call 800-985-9238 M-F 7am-6pm (PST). If it's outside our business hours, we will get back to you as soon as we can.