Kit rentals are weekly or daily amounts in ProHire and are granted by production. They will calculate based on days worked (for daily), or a weekly total as long as at least one day is worked for the week (for weekly).
For Daily Kit Rental Adjustments:
To adjust your kit rental, head over to your timecard, and click into the "Kit/Box Rental" field under "Days Worked" and adjust your kit rental based on days how many days you get your kit for.
Below, this employee worked 5 days, so they got their kit rental for 5 days which automatically calculates:
If the employee is only supposed to get their kit for 4 out of the 5 days they worked, they'll change the 5 to a 4 under "Days Worked," press tab on their keyboard to adjust the total, then click "Calc & Save."
For Weekly Kit Rental Adjustments:
To adjust your weekly kit rental amount, click into the "$ Paid" field and adjust the amount. This employee below gets a $50/week kit rental, that divides into $10/day for a typical work week of 5 days. Since the employee only worked one day this week, they'll change the 50 to 10, press tab, then "Calc & Save."
After "Calc & Save," if your timecard is complete and ready to send to production, click "Sign/Approve" which will lock your timecard for further editing and send it to production to get paid.
If you are unsure if you added a kit rental inventory on your start, click "Print Start Forms" on the right side of your dashboard. If you're in a timecard, click "Dashboard" to get to that screen.
If you see a page like this below in your start paperwork, you're all set!
If you added a kit inventory on your start, it would have looked something like this
If you see no kit inventory page when you "Print Start Forms," please fill out one here and attach it to the little folder icon of your timecard.
Questions? Need more help?
Please email support at with your full name, the name of the project(s) you're working on, and a good email or phone number for us to reach you at or call 800-985-9238 M-F 6AM-6PM (PST). If it's outside our business hours, we will get back to you as soon as we can.